Friday, October 24, 2014

The REAL Ebola Czar: Jehovah

If one maverick molecule exists in the universe, God is not
sovereign, and if God is not sovereign, He is not God.

R C Sproul

It is so easy to be overwhelmed by the qualities and abilities
of God, probably because we aren't cognitively able to wrap
our minds around the immensity of those attributes. The
sovereignty of the living God proclaims complete control
over all events, from minute to immense, simultaneously.
Take a moment and let that percolate.

The recent events surrounding the Ebola virus were certainly
interesting and troublesome. I found, and find, myself
troubled that I wasn't really concerned until things began to
unravel in Dallas. I believe I should have been praying in
ernest for those in West Africa who are being over-run by
this disease long before the events at Dallas Presbyterian.

 Listening to news radio, CNN and others, I was amazed
as the whole scenario of blame and anger took place. Yet,
the most amazing thing of all was the total absence of any
mention of seeking God's help and God's good will/ plan.
The real Ebola czar, truth be told, is none other than Jehovah,
the God of the Universe.

One could debate things like disease in relation to God's
sovereignty, whether or not He knew them into existence,
but one dare not doubt, for even a moment, His control
over events here on this planet. So while the rush is on
to find a vaccine, the debate ensues about limiting travel
to and from and incubation periods are completed, I
want to welcome you in joining me in prayer to the One
who really can control outcomes. Nothing, not one
thing, is beyond the grace and ability of our Sovereign....

Praise Him and Pray to Him!

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