Monday, December 3, 2018

Watch those emotions...

We are told in scripture, and from the pulpit, that trusting our feelings and emotions can be a problem. Discernment, it seems, needs to come from the Word, the Spirit of Truth and a lack of dependence on our natural human emotional responses.

There is no question that doing anything in the midst of strong emotional activity can possibly lead to a direction that would be different at a different or later time.

However, a problem arises when we limit ourselves to intellectual thinking devoid of our personal feelings, and I would suggest that the problem comes from a true inability to really know God. One cannot know God on a purely intellectual level. We can study about His attributes, we can go to the Bible and  various scripture commentaries seeking an understanding and come up lacking. Why?

Well, because God can only really and truly be understood within the framework of a personal heart relationship! God is not impersonal! God has emotions and He developed emotions in the creatures He seeks. One cannot think ones way to God. One has to love ones way to the Father.

Faith is not factual. Faith in certainly not empirical. Faith is given as a gift that pre-dates the relationship allowed and cultivated by God.


When you reach out to God in prayer, it is impossible to do so without an emotional loving understanding that Someone is listening who cares enough to give His own so that we could be a part of His family.

Yes, it is about emotions.

It's all about love!
Praise God!!!