Monday, March 31, 2014

The greatest LOVE story ever told!

Romans 5:8 but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Everyone voting on their favorite love story, book, movie, etc. would probably have several
that come to mind. One I always associated with the theme of love was "Love Story," the
Ryan O'Neal, Ali MacGraw flick from which came a very trite and ridiculous saying... 'Love
means never having to say you are sorry!' "Dr. Zhivago" also comes to mind, and I know
I am dating myself, here. Really my major attraction to that movie was Julie Christie, probably for all the wrong reasons! "Somewhere in Time" is right up there, as well.

I just wonder how many people, even Christians, would vote The Holy Bible as the
greatest love story ever written? Hands down!  No contest!  Probably ought to be unanimous!  

In addition to being the story of Jesus, the Bible is an intense look into the character
and essence of God. Having been created in the image of the Trinity, we, therefore
are indwelled with the ability to love. God is, as stated in John, love, and by His
creative license, we have the ability to love and are commanded by scripture to love
others, God and those who do not show love toward us.

But it's God's remarkable love toward His creation that has brought about our salvation
through the grace of God's offering His son for the forgiveness of our sins. We, truly, were
not worthy of this love gift as we were lost and had nothing to offer that would make us
merit such love. Yet, with a plan that was in place before creation, itself, God gave us
the gift of forgiveness and the chance for adoption into His presence and family for all
time. Amazing grace, indeed!

So now it is up to us to accept this loving gift. It does require us to accept in our hearts
the sacrifice of Jesus, making Him our Lord and King in all things. As frightening as it
may seem, there are those who reject this love. One cannot say that he is unaware
of the ramifications, here. Ignorance is not an excuse.

Get down on those knees and proclaim that you, indeed, need the saving gift of God's
love through Jesus Christ. It is, after all, the greatest love story ever told and the
greatest gift ever given!

Praise our Holy God!

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