When they had finished breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon, son
of John, do you love me more than these?” He said to him, “Yes, Lord;
you know that I love you.” He said to him, “Feed my lambs.” John 21: 15
It is called, by some, "the reinstatement of Peter." It is, to me, one of the most powerful
examples of the love of Jesus presented to us in the Holy Book of God. When one
continues to read, Jesus frames the question three times and responds to Simon Peter's
reply in slightly different, yet similar ways.
The denial of Christ, as predicted by our Lord, is one of the more painful things... just
reading it. Peter is certainly an interesting character, too anxious to speak at times but
full of love for Jesus. He refuses to allow that Jesus would die, falls asleep when most
needed for support, falls into the water after first walking upon it and, sadly, refuses
three times to acknowledge the Messiah, as it was foretold. Oh the pain that must have
coursed through him as it happened. Yet, what would we have done? It is easy to
say that we would have, under the same circumstances, ignored self-preservation and
stood up for the Son of God, risking our lives. I know what I would wish to have done; I
just do not trust that I could follow through even as Peter did not.
So, after having denied Jesus three times, Simon Bar-Jonah is called upon to by
the risen Jesus to reaffirm his love and fealty.. three times. What an astonishingly
beautiful thing that so clearly shows the loving-kindness of God. It is a microcosm
of the entire gospel message; God walking among His creation to share the one way
of reconciliation from sin. God willing to forgive, not overlook, the fallen because
He loves them as the shepherd loves His sheep. We, in a very real sense, are Peter,
each time we fall short and deny what our Savior endured for our salvation. Yet,
we have been forgiven for all sins based on our acceptance of Jesus as Lord of our
We don't have to ask his forgiveness three times because He has forgiven us enumerable
times. We ought, I believe, to pledge our love and appreciation for Him in every
thought, word and action as a way of thanking Him for His grace.
Praise God!
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