Jesus loves you more than you will know....
Paul Simon/ Art Garfunkle Mrs. Robinson
Some things are just difficult to quantify. Being allergic to mathematics, the task of picturing
"how much's" is even more challenging. Lately I have been trying to consider the love
expressed in the life and words of Christ Jesus, a love for those He created and then chose
to die for. I think it is much easier to answer the question 'Why," than to grasp the enormity
of that love.
Our human emotions, those things that drive our actions and thoughts, are dual in
their derivation. It seems that there are those emotions that were not part of God's plan
for our lives must surely have come from old 'you know who.' Emotions like hatred, greed,
envy, jealousy... you know the list, are certainly not from God. They became a part of our
genetics with the original moment of sin. Emotions like love, which is not only from God
but also Is God, and the fruits of the spirit are God infused.
13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. 1 Corinthians 13: 13
So Jesus Christ, who is God, came to this earth to walk among his created full of the
emotion of love. His love for the Father is a major part of His message, His love for those
He came to save, is inherent in the choices He made. His walk was also characterized by
true empathy. He was called a Man of Sorrows since He grieved for the condition He
found when He lived, experienced, and walked as fully human among us. He was
tempted, felt pain and cried tears during His short time.
But, as you know, the ultimate expression of His love came when He walked steadfastly
toward a brutal end, one that left Him hanging naked on a cross, shamed and abandoned.
This was the total love package. This was the price only He could pay for our souls, and
He paid it in full awareness of the task He was to fulfill.
There is no comparable expression of Love. There is no equal to the Kingship and Lordship
of Jesus Christ. There is no possible way to understand or measure this Love. We
can only bow down and praise Him with all our being; He is, after all, our All in All!
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