21 tthat they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that uthey also may be in vus, so that the world wmay believe that you have sent me. John 17: 21
Well, it happened again. I am sitting there in church listening carefully to the pastor
preach when it occurs to me "that he is preaching right at me!" What he is sharing with the
guidance of God, is totally about me, related to me, is a description of me.... you get the
picture. Almost makes one want to slink down in the pew and disappear, in some cases.
But yesterday, no slinking occurred. the message was about the importance of joining a local
church, both the benefits and the responsibilities associated with that membership being
discussed. It was my final day as a frequent participant as I am moving out of state to
join my beloved daughter and son-in-law.
This local church became of primary importance in my life for the three and one-half years
that I have attended. The people there in this small congregation were immediately
accepting of me, gave me guidance, taught me many things that my soul NEEDED to know
and provided welcome fellowship. The people truly modeled the idea that those in Christ
are brothers and sisters, not just for life, but forever after, as well. I met wonderful, kind,
generous, sparkly people who will forever be in my heart.
After all, that is what benefits those who join a church where they live. That's the
responsibility of those who belong there, to reach out and gather a new person in and
guide their spiritual life.
I will miss these folks, this church. Due to what happened there, I will, at least
in spirit, always be a member there.
Praise God for Crossroad Christian church!
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