Friday, May 16, 2014

The greatest rescue mission!

Romans 10:9 That if you shall confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, you shall be saved.

There is nothing more riveting than a rescue! Give me a wide range of scenarios and Leroy
Jethro Gibbs and I am glued in to the episode, fully engaged. Gibbs is one of those characters
that thrives in these types of dangerous situations, believable for the most part, though
fictional, because we know that there are real-life examples going on every day of people
being rescued.

Part of what makes real-time rescues fascinating is the risk being taken by the one, trained
or not, attempting to save someone else. These things, due to the very danger involved,
do not necessarily turn out for the best. There is real heroism in someone who risks their
own well-being to try and save another. In the very best cases the rescue is successful and
both or all survive. Obviously things can and do sometimes not work out so positively.

The greatest rescue mission of all time began quietly on a star-filled night in Bethlehem
when Light came into the world for the express purpose of saving people from their sins.
This was the ultimate rescue not only because of the eternal ramifications involved, but also
because he didn't risk His life, He GAVE His life. This rescue mission, fueled by the grace
of God, required a brutal ending. To the extent that not all will be saved, it could be looked
on as a partially successful endeavor, to the total need for rescue, there could never be
another such crucial and loving rescue attempt.

Christ Jesus willingly came on this rescue mission, leaving the glories of heaven to
take on a human existence. The task in this rescue involved the completion of living
a totally spotless, righteous life, something never accomplished by any other person in the
totality of time. Through the temptations, the frustrations and, yes, even fears on
His way to Calvary, Jesus marched steadily onward to rescue fallen mankind from
a hopeless existence followed, potentially, by an eternity of sorrow.

It was the gracious rescue mission promised by God and spoken of in the very
early scriptures. It is a mission that continues on, today, even after the death
and Resurrection of Jesus to culminate, soon, in His triumphant return. All will
notice, all will bow down and many will be saved to glory, life with God forever.

What a mission? What a savior!!!

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