Monday, May 12, 2014

Our amazing ability to Underestimate God!

3 Great is the LORD and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom.  psalm 145: 3    

So how, exactly, do we manage to withhold proper praise for a God who spoke everything
into existence? I am going to suggest that there are a myriad of reasons why we probably
all come up short of glorifying and even understanding the amazing-ness of our Almighty
Father in Heaven.

I'm not sure, first of all, if we are even capable of fathoming such an incredible being. He
is holy different from us. That difference cannot be quantified or even categorized so we
often times just refuse to ponder God.

He is apart from us in the sense that we, luckily, cannot see Him. Due to our human nature,
which tends to allow is to wrap ourselves in our own existence and lives, we therefore
tend to go for stretches of time with God on the back burner, as it were. He may not
even be a conscious part of our day if things are busy.

A lot of this is also wrapped up in our tendency to be prideful; even to believe that we
do not need God unless things go wrong, problems crop up that we cannot solve or
needs become apparent that cause us to 'remember' God due to our sudden need for

God seeks our dependence and our understanding that He is in charge and most
capable of caring for us and our lives completely. It is surely the case that His grace
is extended to us in so many ways and at so many times when we aren't even aware
of it. It would be so very easy for God to become angry and to abandon His loving care
were He not such a gracious God. Since we are His creation, He, more than anyone,
is aware of His created.

I think, in some way, underestimating God may help us to be suddenly aware of Him
and in awe of Him, as we should always be. The cure is to set up patterns that
cause us to be reminded of Him: prayer, reading His word, fellowship with other
believers, doing and saying things that duly bring glory to Him.

He is magnificent, supreme, beyond our ability to clearly comprehend Him and
His love for us. Praise God!

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