Tuesday, March 18, 2014

So what REALLY will be and NOT be in heaven?

Revelation 21:4 He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.”

The Bible is full of verses that discuss heaven; this is particularly true of the descriptions
of Prophets who have envisioned or been taken up to heaven, as John's account in

Really there is much about what will NOT be there, as well, in scripture. Still, we are left wondering in anticipation of what our glorious God has created for those who follow and
have faith in Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Well, as a blogger bonus, here are some special "Will's and Won'ts" when it comes to
what we all can expect. Ready....

-No mosquitoes! Not going to need any repellent when you venture outside in Heaven.

-Ice Creams of all types! Yes, Blue Bell, Ben and Jerry... the selections will be limitless!

-No poison ivy, sumac, etc. Put away the Calamine Lotion, not going to need it...

-Whataburger!  In and Out Burgers, burgers, burgers, burgers + no cholesterol! 
    That's right... no problems with saturated fats, clogged arteries.... 

-No lawyers!  There will be a  big-time Judge and He will know the verdict before
   someone gets their Miranda Rights!

-No one driving on your bumper down the interstate. No one changing lanes without
   any reason,  no one passing over that double yellow line...  I'm  not even sure 
   traffic lights will be necessary.

-smiles; real smiles! Lots of 'em.  

-glorious music of all kinds. Sunsets that amaze! Lots of beautiful trees and flowers.
-Animals and pets.... yep! Gonna be there to enjoy and love!

In heaven, there will be: No power shortages, for God is all powerful; no bumping into things in the dark; no sleepless nights (there is no night there, Revelation 21:25). Nor will there be: Bills; hospitals; bank accounts. In fact, heaven will have: No complaints; no back-talk; no hate; no fear; no crime.

- No sleep apnea, no migraines, no sprained ankles, no spider bites, no wrinkle creams,
    no anxiety attacks, no traffic circles...this is fun!

In all seriousness, God has promised such beauty and glory for those who love
and honor His Son. We do not want to do anything but praise Him, thank Him and
glorify Him as we wait for the day we are in His loving care!

Praise God!

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