Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Fully God, Fully man... fully amazing!

Upon seeing the resurrected Christ, Thomas cried out, "My Lord and my God!" (John 20:28) 

I have started reading a book entitled, The Man Christ Jesus, written by Bruce A Ware,
that emphasizes the humanity Of Jesus, fully accepting that He was both Man and God.

Now there are many many concepts that boggle the mind when one reads scripture,
listens to God's word being taught and considers ideas that may or not be totally
beyond our ability to really understand. The notion that Christ Jesus was born of
a virgin, Mary, conceived through the Holy Spirit of God, thus truly being "genetically"
both divine and human, seems to me to be just another reason to be amazed by our
Savior and aware of the extent to which He "chose" to come here to die.

One notion that always seems to come out of a discussion of His dual-identity, if you
will, is whether or not He was both these things, consciously, at the same time. Mr.
Ware does great job, I think, of discussing Christ's willingness to "cover over" His
God nature with His human nature. In this process, He remains both, yet acts in the
realm of our human existence. 

We know that He had to come to this Earth and live a sinless life. He had to successfully
be the second Adam, the Adam that succeeded where the first could not. His march
to the cross had to be in complete submission to the Father and to a spotless. unblemished
life. He had to be the great high priest, the propitiation for sin; He had to become the sin
of our lives even though His life was sinless. These tremendous and unselfish endeavors
had to be as a human.

The fact that He was the son of God, that He possessed the same qualities of the
Father and was, therefore, God, is fully emphasized in scripture through the very
word and words of the Father.

 "And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth." John 1: 14

Could Jesus have saved Himself from the pain and suffering he knew was to come?
Could he have called upon angels, throughout His ministry, to come to His aid? Could
He have, just once, allowed Himself to be God at the expense of the reason for His

I think not because only Jesus Christ could have done for us what needed to be done
for the forgiveness of mankind. He is amazing, he is Lord..... He is God!

Praise Him!

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