And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen
Wouldn't you like to know? When one reads and re-reads the amazing things said
and done by Jesus, one longs for more examples and more to be amazed by!
Wouldn't have been great to have been there, actually been there to see and witness
some or even one of the amazing things that took place in those brief three years? Which
one would you most have loved to see....
..perhaps the funeral procession that approached Jesus and His companions on
the road? To see Jesus halt the progression by placing His hand on the coffin,
something that made Him unclean. He brought back the widow's only 'living' son
...or perhaps to be seated in a group on the hillside as Jesus broke a few loaves
and fish into a feast that left all who were there, five thousand, satisfied
...perhaps a touch of a man who had leprosy
...perhaps the stilling of the waves and the sea with the simple command from His
...perhaps blind bartimaeus calling out to Jesus, 'Jesus, son of david, have mercy on
We, obviously, can only read and wonder about these and countless other situations
that were included in the gospels. But what if I was to tell you that it is not too late
to experience a Jesus miracle on your own?
Are you re-born?
Are you indwelt by the Holy Spirit who intercedes in your prayers to God,
helps you understand the Bible and grieves over your smallest sins?
Are you a real Christian, not a check-the-box christian?
Do you desire in your heart one day to meet this Jesus, to be with Him
into eternity?
Do you delight in reading the Bible?
Do you talk in prayer to the one true living God?
Do you see and feel real change in your life, change that is being done to you.
not by you?
Do you understand the Gospel and the true grace that has saved you, a sinner?
Then, ready... look in the mirror. What you see is a miracle. Sure it has happened
to many, but, and here's the key, it can ONLY be done by one person. He who
lived sinless so that your sins could be forgiven, He who died cursed on a tree,
willingly, so that you might be saved, He who came into this world for the express
purpose of saving sinners. Only He can perform this miracle. Only HE!
Praise our God!
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