Friday, July 10, 2015

So what about before we were born...?

Well, if what I have learned both from scripture and from Christian teachers and
friends is accurate, God has been involved with our lives from the get-go! That's
a weird way of saying that His involvement is complete.

So we know that He knows the days of our lives like the pages of a book, that He
knitted us, His created, in the womb, that he knows each hair on our heads and values
us in a way we aren't capable of understanding.  We know that we are immortal, that
we will, after death, spend eternity in one of two places with or without our Father 
in heaven. We also know that our Father is absolutely omniscient, sovereign and aware
of everything, which means this is multi-tasking at its best!

But what about before we were conceived? Our purpose, here on this earth, a place
alien to us as ones saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, is to glorify God, to
bring glory to Him and enjoy our relationship with Him. Our future is life in a new
earth and a new heaven. That we have assurance of through the works of Jesus; yet,
what was the nature of us before we were conceived?

No, we didn't come back after being an Oak tree, this isn't our fifteenth lifetime as
we strive, alone, to be perfect and we have been given a name in the book of life that
only God knows. I believe that it would make no sense for us to simply not have
been before we were created. Part of the dilemma, here, has to be our concept of
time, something that God also created to help us. Its linear, as we understand it, but
we may not really understand it at all. It makes sense that we were created
right there in Genesis 1 at a "time" when all were created. Our presence in this
'time and space capsule,' as Alistair Begg likes to say, is a part of God's perfect
plan...He is, after all, both Good and Correct. The fact that we have appeared
here and now, does not mean that before we appeared, we weren't.

The whole predestination thing is an issue for another time, but predetermination,
the idea that we were always from the moment God created, makes sense if we are,
indeed, immortal! We are here with a purpose, were created for the right time
to be here and are on our way, through the grace and love of God, to an eternity
with our Father, His precious Son and Spirit, our friends and family in Christ and
this has been our story since God spoke all into existence.

That's my belief and I'm sticking with it! Praise our God and Father!

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