Monday, April 14, 2014

To love Him is to know Him

"Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days
that were formed for me, when as yet there were none of them."  Psalm 139: 16

Heaven came down to earth, and earth perceived it not. Let God be praised, those days 
are over, yet even now what we know of Jesus is small compared to what He knows of
us.  (Taken from Morning and Evening devotionals by Charles Spurgeon, revised by
Alistair Begg)

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made...  Psalm 139

Okay, I will have to admit that the playing field is not level, here. We are starting at
a glorious disadvantage because Christ Jesus has known us... forever. We know, also,
that His being God allows Him to be omniscient right down to our every thought before
it is even spoken. 

Yet this is not a roadblock to a great desire to know Christ Jesus as thoroughly as we
can possibly know Him. It seems obvious, doesn't it, that we would strive to be aware
of Him in every way; yet, I have to admit that even in praising Him and glorifying
Him in my heart, I have been rather lazy when it comes to just getting down to
learning about Him in a useful way. In my case I cannot blame being busy, forgetful
or any other lame excuse...I just haven't put in the work. Yet, I really want to.

There are a myriad of great books available on Jesus. I will share just a couple that
I found helpful for starters:  Jesus- The Greatest Life of All by Charles Swindoll, More
Than a Carpenter by Josh Mcdowell, The Man Christ Jesus by Robert J Morgan,
Speaking of Jesus, by J Mack Stiles. Those are just the ones that I have had the privilege
to read through recently.

Obviously, The Holy Bible provides a look at our savior through His words, actions and
the words of those who shared His ministry here on earth. I know that even the gospels
and new testament books couldn't possibly exhaust the glory that is our Christ, but what
a wonderful resource they are!

So what are we waiting for? While we cannot match His supreme knowledge of ourselves,
we can earnestly work at knowing more about the God-man who came down to
this earth to provide the one possible means for we sinners to be reconciled to God,
and that way was so very costly, a lonely death like none other... hanging on a cross.

We love Him. We need to know Him! It's a natural subject matter!

Praise God!

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