Tuesday, January 14, 2014


All space and time unfolds before the face of God.

We all, I believe, try to increase our understanding of who God is and what He is like.
It's a part of our respect, admiration and love for the blessings He has graciously given
to us, His children. 

He certainly does not hide His identity! His word, the Holy Bible, reflects His being
as does His creation. The sheer awesomeness of God keeps us grasping for the best
understanding we can possibly have, given the fact that we are people and He is

The one word that might sum up our Heavenly father is the word...limitless!
We live a life full of limitations. Physical laws such as gravity limit our ability to
move about, physical limitations on our senses limit our ability to see, hear... etc.
We have as limited ability to think and understand. We are limited by life span;
we are born and at a time known only by God and will pass on from this earthly existence.
Even our imaginations, our dreams and our expectations have limits.

But not God! He is eternal. He is omniscient. He is omnipresent. He is Holy. He
is truth. He is love. He is the alpha and the omega, He is sovereign. He is faultless.
This is just the tip of the iceberg, but the point is clear and important. He is without
limitation. This, thankfully, on a practical level, means that He is very much capable
of constantly being aware of each of us...each hair on our head.. each tear that falls.
He knows what we need even before we ask Him. He has reached out to us,
through His loving-kindness and offered His son as propitiation for our sinfulness.

How amazing is our God! How blessed are we to be His adopted children!

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