Advocate 1 John 2 :1
Alpha and Omega Rev. 1:8
Amen Rev. 1: 18
Anointed Psalm 2:2
Author and Finisher of our Faith Heb. 12: 2
Branch Jr. 23: 5
Bread of Life John 6: 28
Bridegroom Matt. 9: 15
Bright and Morning Star Rev. 22: 16
Chief Cornerstone 1 Pt. 2: 6
Christ Luke 9: 20
Christ, the Son of God Act 9: 20
Counselor Is 9: 6
Day-spring Luke 1: 78
Deliverer Rom 11: 26
Emmanuel Is 7: 14
Everlasting Light Is 60: 20\
Faithful Witness Rev.1: 5\
First-begotten of the Dead Rev. 1: 5
Foundation Is 28: 16
Fountain Zec 13: 1
GOD John 1: 1
God with us Matt. 1: 23
Good Shepherd John 10: 11
High Priest Heb 4: 14
Holy One of God Mark 1: 24
Horn of Salvation Luke 1: 69
I AM John 8: 58
Jesus Christ our Lord Rom 1: 3
Jesus, Son of God Heb 4: 14
King over all the earth Zec 14: 9
Lamb of God John 1: 29
Light of the World John John 8: 12
Living Bread John 6: 51
Lion of the Tribe of Judah Rev 5: 5
Lord God Almighty Rev 15: 3
Lord of All Acts 10: 36
Lord of Lords Rev. 17: 4
Lord of the Sabbath Mark 2: 28
Man of Sorrows Is 53: 3
Messiah John 1: 41
Mighty one of Israel Is 30: 29
New Adam 1 Cor: 15: 45
Our Hope 1 Titus 1: 1
Physician Matt 9: 12
Prince of Peace Is 9: 6
Propitiation 1 John 2: 2
Rabbi John 1: 49
Ransom 1 Tit: 2: 6
Redeemer Is 59: 20
Resurrection and Life John 11: 25
Righteous Judge 2 Tim 4: 8
Rock 1 Co 10: 4
Root of David Rev. 5: 5
Savior Luke 2: 11
Second Man 1 Co 15: 47
Shiloh Gen. 49: 10
Son of David Matt. 9: 27
Son of Man Matt. 8: 20
Sure foundation Is 28: 16
Teacher John 3: 2
Truth John 14: 6
Way John 14: 6
Who is, Who was and Who is to come Rev. 1: 4
Witness Is 55: 4
Word of Life 1 John 1: 1\
This is not an exhaustive list!!! Glory, Praise and Honor to God, always and forever!
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