There won't be a 2.0! No need for tweaking or updating this operating system. Won't
need the Geek Squad, no problems with viruses. No need to call to talk to a representative
in Calcutta. Won't even need to turn it off and on again- it is quite simply an ingenious,
perfect system of Grace.
It works on the following bases:
-God is Holy and cannot accept sin; it is an abomination to Him.
-We aren't so holy! We are sinful and, on our own, cannot stop sinning and are,
therefore, in rebellion against God.
-Long before God spoke things into creation and breathed life into Adam, He
created the plan for salvation. One plan only. Atonement through the blood sacrifice
of His only, beloved Son, Jesus
-Through His grace, He sent Jesus to live on earth, a God-man, who was to
live a perfect sinless life so that He could be the great high priest necessary for the
forgiveness of sin
-In exchange for this gift, God requires those saved to believe in Jesus, accept Him
as their savior and Lord and trust Him, totally.
-This gospel of grace is not earned nor is it deserved; it is a glorious redemptive gift
This gift isn't and never was FREE. It came at a great cost; the torture, humiliation and
Crucifixion of He who was sacrificed for the very ones who were slaying Him. It is
also priceless; the greatest gift ever given for any reason to anyone!
Christ died for those who would be His people. The Bible suggests that this does
not mean everyone, which is the whole discussion that centers around election
or predestination.
Our jobs? We need to be wholly appreciative, loving God with all our being, making
it our goal to live a life centered on God and driven by the Holy Spirit to become
more Christ-like. We need to turn over our lives in trust to be used by God for His
own good.
We won't need any on-line classes to operate this system. It actually uses us to bring
about its work. It's truly user-friendly! Log me on and keep me there, oh God. Thank
you for your Grace!
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