Thursday, October 3, 2013

Ignorance Is so much!!

That saying is from a Thomas Gray poem of long ago. 
Back in my name calling days, I frequently called folks "ignorant" when I was
angry. To me, it meant that they were just stupid, not so smart... Turned out it
was me who wasn't real bright.

The condition of ignorance is really referring to being unaware or lacking in
knowledge. "What we don't know can't hurt us," is another phrase that
really can cause trouble.

I spent 60 years of my life in ignorance when it comes to Jesus and the gospel
of grace. That is truly frightening. It wasn't that I was uneducated...I did go to
church infrequently, but my life was void of the understanding that there was
a God who offered a "sonship," a God who was reaching out to one who is
totally undeserving, a Holy, Regal, Transcendent, Majestic caring God who
created me. In looking back, I'm convinced that He was patiently tapping me
on my shoulder just waiting to enter into my life and my heart. How
fortunate I am!!!

I was also ignorant of the being who works within the boundaries of this 
world, having been thrown out of heaven. He's the former angel whose
agenda is to bring us down, to make us feel guilty, hopeless, evil, worthless..
I could go on. He has been defeated and sentence has already been passed.
His job, it seems, is to ruin souls, and he works in direct opposition to
the grace of God. The Resurrection of Jesus put an end to death, to Satan
to our inability to ever be righteous in the eyes of our Father in Heaven.
Yet, an unawareness that this being is working against us can effect our
lives and our eternal salvation.

When one is ignorant of the gospel, the hardships, the stress, the sadness,
the miseries of this life are daunting. We are left to stand alone, purposeless,
ignorant of the grace that exists within the loving hands of the Prince of

Turn to Him. Pray to Him. Glorify Him. Ignorance be too, satan.

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