Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The cartoon on your shoulder

Remember (I'm dating myself, here) the cartoons where a person about to make a decision
had two little characters on his shoulder? One was a tiny angel with halo; the other was a tiny
demon complete with pitchfork! Kinda cute..... maybe not.

The understanding of right and wrong seems to be inate; we have a conscience provided by
our creator in whose images we have been created. I can remember feeling guilty at a very
early age! Now some ignore this moral thermometer; there are some who are labeled a sociopath,
someone who either does not know right from wrong or who chooses to ignore the difference.
But, sociopaths are the exception. So if we know what's right and wrong......?

Well, that little devil on your shoulder is very very powerful! He is the personification of sin and
he is cunning, wise, knows us all too well and is quick to provide rationalization when we let
him lead us astray. The Bible talks about putting on the full armor of God. That armor is
specifically designed to help us fend off the sinful nature that is within all of us. We need all
the help we can get because the "pull" of sin is a substantial enemy. We can believe that we are
strong, that we can make the right decisions, that we can remember the cost Jesus paid on the
tree to provide atonement for our sins... and yet, it seems that even that cannot erase the temptation
to fall back, to sin and to disappoint.

Not so easy to flick that little demon off of our shoulder, is it? Go ahead, put on that armor and
fill your heart with the determination to do what is right. That and prayers to God will help make
this battle a bit more even.


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