Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Now I lay me...

down to sleep
I pray the Lord my soul to keep

If I should die before I awake
I pray the Lord my soul to take.

God bless:

It was an every night, on the knees, prayer the preceded being tucked into bed
and sung to by my father. I am sure that the words meant nothing to me even
though I am quite sure that my parents tried to explain things. As I look back
and look at now, I have become aware of the significance of this prayer for
God's provision.

We are never more vulnerable than we are when asleep! We are at the mercy
of a God who has provided for our bodies to somehow be able to arise in the
morning with eyes that would open and joints that would function. We are
also at the mercy of the evil one who probably could care less about our safety
and who would stop at nothing to influence us whether conscious or not.
Even as children we just assume that we will awaken to a new day or a late-
night trip to the fridge. 

It is faith that allows us to drift off; and it is fact that we may, in actuality,
not awaken to a new day; we may awaken from a soul's journey to either be
with the Lord or to Sheol. Regardless, we are not in control of our awakening
outcome. Just as we assume that the sun will rise on a new day, we assume
that we will arise in safety.

I have come to, once again, pray to my Father in heaven each night. I am
asking Him the same basic things that the childhood prayer was asking; for
His provision. I am His creature and He is in charge. My days are as
pages in a book and there will come a final page. I just want Him to know
that I wish for His will to be done. I cherish His sovereignty and loving-
kindness and am fully aware that I am His.

Praise our God!

Monday, December 14, 2015

As to celebrating Christmas.....

Go ahead and enjoy the family, friends, presents, tree, etc. as long as the emphasis
is on Christmas: the birth of Christ!

Listened to a wonderful sermon, yesterday, by Allen Knox, pastor of Crossroad
Christian Church of McKinney, Texas. The basis for the sermon was Isaiah 9-
a wonderful prophetic scripture about the King to come. He suggested that
in Isaiah 9: 6, the world's emphasis tends to be on the birth of a child, not the
arrival of a promised King. I wholeheartedly agree.

Does that mean that we should ignore the secular aspects of Christmas that
the world, and most Christians, partake of? I believe that is not at all necessary;
that the created can enjoy these things within the context of an understanding
that the events surrounding the birth of a child, The Child, God Himself, were
simply the most important event, ever.

Family? God created relationships. His relationship and love for His son, a
relationship that was in effect before the beginnings of time, was a basis for
Him creating in the first place. That love was to be shared with those created
in a plan that took a hit but will eventually play out successfully. God's
institution of marriage, His working out of procreation and, indeed, His love
for those He created make celebration of family perfectly understandable at
this time.

Presents? The most awesome, priceless present ever given was born a
helpless child in the Bethlehem area to Mary. His birth was, by the lack
of accounts, normal; His conception, totally miraculous. Sharing
presents with those we love is simply a reflection of what God did on the
night that bright star shone down.

Food? We are invited to partake, at His request, of the body and blood of
Christ each time we enjoy the sacrament of communion. He is the Bread of
Life, He gives the living waters. He is life and He sustains us. Early church
members centered around sharing of food for fellowship and worship of
He who provides.

Tree? Okay this one's a stretch. Just watch the eyes of young children as
the lights are reflected in their eyes gazing at a Christmas tree. Amazement,
Joy, Excitement.... Christians are supposed to enjoy life; God agrees, I

Christmas means the Birth of Christ. All that is done should be within the
context of that birth, of the arrival, for the first time, of our Lord and King,
Christ Jesus.

I say enjoy a very Merry CHRISTMAS. 

Praise our God!